Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nivea advertisement

Until I found my last news quoted below, I was wondering what I can write this time. So today I decided to show you one video I watched some days ago.

You can watch it here:

Nivea advertisement 

(I'm really sorry - you have to click this web link because the video is not on :-P)

When I watched it I found it funny but... I wouldn't be at the place of the people we can watch. At the place of these people I think that I would be really scared. I'm always stressed before travelling on plane so, if I was "the part of advertisement" it would be enough for me...

But, I would see the people who take part of an advertisement and are afraid - I know that's cruel but it's can be fun!


  1. Very interesting, but really cruel. Can you imagine what these people felt? This is a real nightmare!

  2. Actually, I saw this commercial and I was a bit bored.. but if I were in those people's shoes I would just die:P -thath's for sure:)
